Pada saat krisis ekonomi, Bank Mega mencuat sebagai salah satu bank yang tidak terpengaruh oleh krisis dan tumbuh terus tanpa bantuan pemerintah bersama-sama dengan Citibank, Deutche Bank dan HSBC. PT. Bank Mega Tbk. berpegang pada azas profesionalisme, keterbukaan dan kehati-hatian dengan struktur permodalan yang kuat serta produk dan fasilitas perbankan terkini.
Saat ini Bank Mega membuka kesempatan bagi kandidat terbaik, bertanggung jawab, energik dan mau mengembangkan karir serta berani mengambil tantangan untuk posisi :
Operation Manager Development Program (OMDP)
- Male / Female, Single
- S1/S2 all majors from leading universities (Preferred from Accounting, Management, ISP, Business, Finance)
- Minimum GPA 3.00
- 1-2 years of working experience in banking (non-sales)
- Happy to do the work of analyzing and count
- Maximum age 27 years old
- S1/S2 majoring in Management / Business Minimum GPA 2.75, preferably S2 of SBM-ITB
- 1-2 years of working experience in banking, fresh graduates are welcome to apply
- Love the world of business
- Broad-minded and love to build relationships
- S1/S2 peferred from reputable universities with outstanding achievements
- Minimum GPA 3,25 for master degree or 3,01 for bachelor degree
- Single, maximum 27 years of age
- Fluent both in oral and written english
- Excellent analytical, problem solving and communication skills
- Proactive, open minded and posses a strong drive for success
- Indonesian Nationality
- Max age 27 years old
- Graduate from local or overseas university with GPA 3.0
- Strong communication and analytical skill
- Fluent in both Indonesian and English
Jika Loker Bank Mega - MFLA, OMDP, IB Staff, MMDP
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Semoga Sukses !!